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Download IDM Terbaru 6.28 Build 9 Final Full Version : Hallo sobat sebelumnya selamat pagi sobat . pada kesempaatan pagi yang cerah ini saya akan membagikan sebuah software downloader yang paling terpopuler di dunia. di mana software ini bernama IDM (Internet Download Manager). Dimana IDM sekarang sudah update dengan versi terbaru yang rilis dan dapat sobat download dengan gratis di jembercyber blog ini. Seperti kita tahu bahwa IDM ini merupakan software terbaik yang dapat kita gunakan untuk mempercepat proses download file di internet. IDM ini sob murapakan aplikasi Downloader yang fungsinya untuk mendownload file yang ada di komputer contohnya seperti File Audio, Video, dan Gambar. Jika sobat munggunakan IDM Full Version sangatlah beruntung sekali sob, karena dengan kecepatan mendownloadnya sangat cepat sekali. apalagi sobat suka nonton video di youtube jika mau download pakek IDM saja sob.
Download Internet Download Manager 6.28 Build 9 Latest Final Full Crack Version Fixed PC Android Terbaru 2017
Nah buat sobat yang masih menggunakan IDM 6.28 Final Full Patch, maka kini saatnya sobat sekang dapat mendownload IDM terbaru IDM 6.28 Build 9 Final Full Patch ini sekarang juga. Untuk mengaktifkan IDM ini anda dapat menggunakan patch IDM Terbaru yang sudah kami sertakan di dalamnya. Untuk cara penggunaan patch silahkan anda lihat caranya berikut ini.
Fitur Internet Download Manager (IDM) :
- Memiliki interface lebih dari satu Bahasa, bahkan tersedia bahasa indonesia.
- Dapat Mendownload Video secara langsung di Berbagai situs seperti Youtube, Dailymotion, Facebook, dll.
- Mendukung hampir semua browser populert termasuk Mozila Firefox, Chrome, Avant, ataupun Comodo Dragon.
- Mempunyai Fitur Pause dan Resume Download.
- Dan Masih banyak lagi fitur lainya.
- Added support for Firefox 36 and SeaMonkey 2.32
- Fixed bugs
Internet Download Manager Features:
- All popular browsers and applications are supported
- Download Speed Acceleration
- Easy downloading with one click
- Simple installation wizard
- Advanced Browser Integration
- Video grabber
- Customizable Interface
- Automatic Antivirus checking
- IDM supports main authentication protocols
- Drag and Drop
- IDM includes web site spider and grabber
- IDM supports many types of proxy servers
- Download Resume
- Built-in Scheduler
- Download All feature
- IDM is multilingual
- Download Categories
- Download limits
- Quick Update Feature
- Dynamic Segmentation
Apa yang baru dari software IDM 6.28 Build 9 Latest Full Version ini..?? yaitu :
What’s new in version 6.28 Build 9 Final
(Released: 2 Mei 2017)
(Released: 2 Mei 2017)
- Fixed problem with erroneous interceptions of files in Firefox
- Improved IDM download engine
- Added a feature to the settings of schedulers to go into sleep mode or hibernate when downloading is done
- Improved “download panel” view on high DPI displays
- Fixed problems with Chinese captions on the “Download panel”
- Fixed bugs
- Fixed bugs
- Fixed problems with video recognition for several types of web sites
- Fixed bugs
- Improved IDM download engine
- A new type of extension for Firefox (webextension) has been created that supports multiprosess Firefox feature (e10s)
- Added support for Firefox 53, 54, 55
- Improved video recognition in web players
- Fixed bugs
- Fixed bugs in downloading several types of video streams
- Fixed bugs
- Added support for Firefox 52
- Added support for SeaMonkey up to 2.49
- Fixed a critical bug in the integration with Firefox 45.6 ESR
- Fixed bugs in downloading several types of video streams
- Fixed other small bugs
- Added a feature to set minimum file size for showing “Download this video” button
- Fixed download progress dialog on Windows 10, removed a wide border around it
- Improved video recognition in web player
- Fixed bugs
- Fixed problems with video recognition for several types of web sites
- Fixed bugs
- Fixed Bugs
- Improved video recognition in web players
- Added support for Firefox 51
- Fixed bugs
- Improved video recognition in web players
- Fixed the problem with erroneous video interceptions from web players
- Fixed bugs
- Fixed several critical bugs when using proxy servers
- Fixed problems with video recognition for several types of web sites
- Fixed bugs
- Fixed a problem with disabling of the Google Chrome extension
- Fixed problems with video recognition for several types of web sites
- Fixed a problem with disk space occupation
- Fixed bugs
- Added support for Firefox 50
- Improved IPV6 support
- Fixed bugs
- Added support for IPV6 Internet addresses
- Improved “Start Download Info” dialog
- Fixed a freezing problem when “save to” path is on a network drive
- Fixed bugs with IE and Firefox integration
- Added support for Firefox 49
- Fixed compatibility problems with the latest build of Windows 10
- Fixed problems with video recognition for several types of web sites
- Fixed bugs
- Fixed bugs
- Fixed problem with video recognition for several video types
- Fixed bugs
- Fixed problem with erroneous interceptions of video data
- Improved video recognition in web players
- Fixed bugs
- Added support for Firefox 48
- Fixed problems with video recognition for several types of web sites
- Fixed problems with taking over some types of downloads in Firefox
- Fixed bugs
- Fixed critical bugs
- Improved Google Chrome integration module
- Fixed bugs
- Fixed bugs
- Added support for Firefox 47
- Fixed bugs
- Improved Google Chrome integration module
- Fixed bugs
- Added support for Firefox 46
- Fixed bugs
- Added support for Firefox 45
- Fixed bugs
- Fixed problems with video recognition for several types of web sites
- Added support for Firefox 44
- Fixed bugs
- Added support for new types of videos for several web streaming services
- Made a workaround and fixed compatibility problems of previous IDM version (6.25.5) with Kaspersky Internet security on Windows 10
- Improved video recognition in Google Chrome on Windows XP
- Added support for new types of videos for several web streaming services
- Fixed bugs
- Added support for Firefox 43 and SeaMonkey 2.39, 2.40, 2.41
- Lowered CPU consumption
- Added support for new types of video streaming sites
- Fixed bugs
- Fixed problems with video downloading for several types of web sites
- Fixed bugs
- Improved IDM download engine
- Added support for SeaMonkey 2.38
- Fixed bugs
- Fixed the problem with repeating quality lines in video download panel
- Fixed the problem with erroneous video interceptions from web players
- Fixed the problem with keyboard focus in Google Chrome
- Fixed bugs
- Added support for Firefox 42 and SeaMonkey 2.35
- Fixed bugs
- Fixed problems with downloading from several file sharing sites
- Fixed bugs
- Fixed problems with video recognition for several types of web sites
- Added support for Firefox 41
- Resolved the problem with erroneous download interceptions of videos in Firefox
- Resolved the problem when “download this video” button was not displayed in Firefox
- Improved integration into Google Chrome
- Fixed bugs
- Fixed problems with detection of some types of downloads in Firefox
- Fixed bugs
- Added support for Microsoft Edge browser
- Fixed bugs
- Fixed a bug in Firefox extension with multiple download dialogs
- Fixed the bug with text selection in Firefox extension
- Improved video recognition in Google Chrome
- Added support for Firefox 40
- Improved Google Chrome integration
- Fixed problems with video recognition for several types of web sites
- Fixed bugs
- Added support for Firefox 39
- Improved video downloading for several types of web sites
- Fixed bugs
- Fixed problems with erroneous interceptions of Firefox internal downloads
- Improved Google Chrome integration
- Added support for Firefox 38
- Fixed compatibility problems of Google Chrome extension with Kaspersky Internet Security
- Fixed a critical bug in IDM network driver
- Fixed compatibility problems with antiviral and internet security software
- Improved taking over downloads of videos from web players in Google Chrome
- Added a feature to change video resolution for rtmp protocol
- Added support for SeaMonkey 2.33
- Fixed problems with video/audio recognition for several types of web sites
- Fixed compatibility problems of Google Chrome extension with several applications
- Fixed bugs in Chrome integration module
- Added support for Firefox 37
- Added support for Google Chrome 42
- Added support for new types of video streaming sites
- Fixed bugs
System Requirements :
- OS: Windows XP/Windows Vista/Windows 7/Windows 8 32-bit and 64-bit (x86 and x64) Untuk PC Windows.
- Processor: Pentium IV 1.2GHz atau Lebih tinggi.
- 512MB RAM.
- Membutuhkan 80MB Ruang Bebas di hardisk.
License :
- Shareware (Free Trial 30 Days) Dapat dijadikan Full Version.
Cara Install :
- Download dan ekstrak file “IDM 6.26 Build 7 Latest Final Full Patch Crack“
- Kemudian instal software IDM-nya seperti biasa. Setelah proses instalasi selesai jangan dulu buka programnya. (Bagi anda yang sebelumnya sudah terinstal IDM, uninstal dulu IDM-nya baru instal lagi dengan IDM terbaru ini).
- Jalankan Patch dengan cara klik kanan lalu pilih run as administrator
- klik patch
- Lalu copy pastekan juga file IDMGrHlp.exe ke C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Download Manager
- Selesai
Link Download :
Demikian sob ulasan dari saya tentang IDM 6.28 Build 9 Latest Final Full Crack Version Fixed PC Android, semokga dapat bermanfaat buat sobat semua. Terima kasih sob sudah mengunjungi di blog kami.
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